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Collegiate Academy for Mathematics and Personal Awareness Charter School
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CAMPA Virtual Tour
Added Jul 08, 2020
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look up the camper and the virtual tour that we're going to take you one so you can see all the great things that goes on in the school Captain stands for Collegiate Academy for mathematics and personal career campus is the best kept secret in America it's more than just an institution of learning it's a movement making the parents proud of your child when you're able to do well in the most important branch of the three branches Elementary School you have Middle School in high school what is the last Branch for the other two throw Adam Lee Britt something then you have to give the student the type of repertoire that they can use so that not only do they graduate from high school or college prepared when do students graduate from here they can really graduate with the queen for secretion I never imagined that means that means that when they enter ninth grade they were completed most of the requirements for 9th and 10th grade I want you to focus on what you see in the wire and understand that the topic. Court in this lab is so cute you can take the biology region and the physics regents Middle School how to prepare students for high school but you need to teach that they're going to sneak in high school so that when they reach high school prepared so we offered algebra geometry living environment physic earth science US history in global history